What We Do
Sarphati Cohort
‘To ensure all children in Amsterdam grow up healthy, we follow the development of children from the first years until they are 18 with the Sarphati Cohort. The collected data aims to provide answers on how we can best support parents, professionals, and policymakers in promoting the healthy growth of children. We investigate aspects such as nutrition, sleep, and physical activity. This helps us gain more insight, for example, into the influence of nutrition in the early years on the development of overweight and obesity. We strive for all parents in Amsterdam to be familiar with the health study and participate, ensuring that the research population is a good reflection of Amsterdam’s society.’
– Arnoud Verhoeff, Director of Sarphati Amsterdam.
Sarphati Cohort: Research on growth and development
Within the Sarphati Cohort, research is conducted on the growth and development of Amsterdam children aged 0 to 18 years. These children receive care from Youth Health Care (JGZ) at GGD Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Health Centers Foundation (SAG) within the Parent and Child Teams (OKTs).
During consultations at the OKTs, Youth Health Care (JGZ) records data on the health and development of children until they are 18 years old.
The best possible care
These data are recorded to provide the child with the best possible care. To conduct research, we explicitly ask parents for permission to use certain data anonymously for the Sarphati Cohort. With this research, we aim to gain insight into the causes of health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases.
How do we handle your and your child's data?
We use a portion of the data from Youth Health Care (JGZ) for research, but only after you have given consent. During consultations, JGZ collects data on your child’s health and development, such as movement, sleep, nutrition, motor development, and growth. This data is anonymized with a code number for research.
We ensure carefulness and privacy
Researchers never see personal data of you or your child, and JGZ does not have access to the completed questionnaires. The Sarphati Cohort health study manages the data, with only the code number being visible. This number is removed before researchers gain access, ensuring that the data of you and your child(ren) are not traceable.
Upon registration, we ask for your email address to send questionnaires and research information, sometimes also by mail to the JGZ-registered address.
Who uses the data?
The data is used by researchers from Sarphati Amsterdam, including epidemiologists, sociologists, nutritionists, educators, sleep scientists, movement scientists, and physician-researchers. All researchers are affiliated with GGD Amsterdam and one of the knowledge institutions. These include Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC, locations AMC and VUmc), Vrije Universiteit (VU), University of Amsterdam (UvA), and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA). Read more about the collaboration within Sarphati Amsterdam here.
How can I contribute to the Sarphati Cohort?
Healthcare providers and other professionals in contact with the target group are crucial for recruiting parents with young children for the Sarphati Cohort. Would you also like to help raise awareness about the health study? You can use the communication tools we have developed for this purpose. Check here for an overview: If you have good ideas or suggestions to inform and encourage young parents to participate in the Sarphati Cohort, please contact us at: sarphaticohort@ggd.amsterdam.nl
More information or questions?
Are you a professional and want to know more about what Sarphati Amsterdam can offer you as a professional? Then send an email to sarphaticohort@ggd.amsterdam.nl, and we will be happy to contact you.
De gegevens worden gebruikt door onderzoekers van Sarphati Amsterdam. Dit is een heel diverse groep mensen, waaronder epidemiologen, sociologen, voedingsdeskundigen, opvoedkundigen, slaapwetenschappers, bewegingswetenschappers en arts-onderzoekers. Alle onderzoekers zijn verbonden aan de GGD Amsterdam en één van de kennisinstellingen die samen Sarphati Amsterdam vormen. Lees hier meer over Sarphati Amsterdam.
Bij het registreren vragen wij u om uw e-mailadres in te vullen. Dat wordt alleen gebruikt voor administratieve doeleinden: om informatie of vragenlijsten voor het onderzoek toe te sturen of u uit te nodigen voor extra onderzoek. Wij zullen u hiervoor soms ook per post benaderen via het adres dat bij Jeugdgezondheidszorg geregistreerd staat.